13 JUN 2011 by ideonexus

 Using the n-back Game to Improve Children's IQ

Scientists typically describe intelligence as consisting of two distinct components: fluid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Fluid intelligence refers to the general ability to solve new problems and recognize unfamiliar patterns. Crystallized intelligence, by contrast, consists of particular kinds of knowledge. When children learn to count, for instance, they show gains on crystallized intelligence, even as their fluid intelligence remains constant. Scientists have typically regar...
Folksonomies: education games n-back
Folksonomies: education games n-back
  2  notes

The game forces children to focus and streamline their memory processes, resulting in an IQ increase of five points.

15 APR 2011 by ideonexus

 Controlling Pain with Meditation

In the study, a small group of healthy medical students attended four 20-minute training sessions on "mindfulness meditation" — a technique adapted from a Tibetan Buddhist form of meditation called samatha. It's all about acknowledging and letting go of distraction. "You are trying to sustain attention in the present moment — everything is momentary so you don't need to react," Zeidan explains. "What that does healthwise is it reduces the stress response. The feeling of pain is a ver...
Folksonomies: meditation pain
Folksonomies: meditation pain
  3  notes

Highlights from a study of meditation being used to control the sensation of pain.